go 2023 ~ 搖滾帝國 Rock Empire Music

The Rock Promotions, Metal Gate CD & DVD Shop online

曾經在The Wall、饒河街旁的金屬極境挖寶的搖滾客們,堅持的心永遠不滅,新版的網購將逐步更新,大家千萬記得這個屬於搖滾客的天地。

2023年11月10日 星期五

【2024/3/7(四)史萊許與甘迺迪和壞夥伴們台北演唱會】Thu., Mar. 7th, SLASH Featuring MYLES KENNEDY & THE CONSPIRATORS THE RIVER IS RISING TOUR '24


Slash ft. Myles Kennedy and The Conspirators -
The River Is Rising (Official Music Video)


入場時間:18:00 (以現場公告為準)


演出地點:ZEPP New Taipei(宏匯廣場8樓)



預售時間:2023/11/11(六/SAT)10:00 部分站席

正式售票:2023/11/18(六/SAT)10:00 2F座席、部分站席開賣


票  價:(早鳥票數售完恢復原價)

來去貴賓區(VIP) 600站席 早鳥票 NT$ 4,288 限量300張(售罄) 原價票 NT$ 4,688 

搖滾玫瑰區     1271站席 早鳥票 NT$ 3,288 限量600張(售罄)原價票 NT$ 3,688

豪華座位區       50席 早鳥票 NT$ 4,888 限量30張  原價票 NT$ 5,288 

舒適座位區      231席 早鳥票 NT$ 4,288 限量150張 原價票 NT$ 4,688  

瘋狂公爵區       83站席 早鳥票 NT$ 2,888 限量50張(售罄)  原價票 NT$ 3,288 
● 上述(售罄)票種,若有人退票,售票系統將不定時釋出可購買票數。






.考量安全和觀看視線140cm以下兒童請購買Zepp 2F票券。
.禁止 Mosh Pit (衝撞), Stage Diving (跳水) 等遊戲,您將觸犯公共安全條例。

💿 戴著魔術高帽的傳奇吉他手 Slash 💿
  Guns N' Roses and Slash's related albums



●Presale:2023/11/11(SAT) 10AM
●General Sale:2023/11/18(SAT) 10AM
KKTIX / FamilyMart-FamiPort Register first 

●Doors Open:6PM (Based on announcements in the venue)
●Show Time:7PM
●Venue:Zepp New Taipei (Xinzhuang Honhui Plaza 8F)
●Traffic:Taoyuan Airport MRT, Xinzhuang Fuduxin Station same as SinJhuang Sub-city Center, A4 EXIT
●Admission Ticket Prices:
●1F GA VIP Early Bird NT$4,288 Limited for 300 ppl Sold Out
  (Original NT$4,688 Limited for 300 ppl available on 2023/11/18 ) 

●1F GA Rock Zone Early Bird NT$3,288 Limited for 600 ppl Sold Out
  (Original NT$3,688 Limited for 671 ppl available on 2023/11/18 )

●2F Front Seated Early Bird NT$4,888 Limited for 30 seats
  (Original NT$ 5,288 Limited for 20 seats)

●2F Ordinary Seated Early Bird NT$4,288 Limited for 150 seats
  (Original NT$ 4,688 Limited for 81 seats)

●2F Standing Area Early Bird NT$2,888 Limited for 50 ppl Sold Out
  (Original NT$ 3,288 Limited for 33 ppl available on 2023/11/18 )

Promoter: The Rock Promotions/Rock Empire Music

*Early Bird tickets sell until 2023/12/31.
*More information, check www.rockempire.com.tw or rockempire Facebook before 3 days of the Concert.
*Tickets with serial number to line up EXCEPT 2F seated tickets.
*Line up at 17:00 and doors open at 18:00. The time of entry and performance depends on the scene.
*If the line has already entered the venue, the on-site staff will guide you to enter the venue at the end of the line in each area.
*One person, one ticket, children still need to buy a ticket, and only those over 120cm allow to enter the venue. 2F seats are recommended for children who are under 140cm.
*Mosh Pit, Stage Diving are not allowed strictly. You will violate public safety regulations.
*Do not jump from 2F or go on stage.
*The organizer reserves the right to change the program and details.
*Who does not cooperate MUST leave.

2023年11月8日 星期三

【2024/2/4(日)歐洲合唱團 成軍四十周年紀念 時光旅程全球巡迴】Sun., Feb. 4th, CELEBRATING 40 YEARS - AN EVENING WITH EUROPE

 【2024/2/4(日)歐洲合唱團 成軍四十周年紀念 時光旅程全球巡迴】


Europe - The Time Capsule 40th Anniversary 2023 (Tour Trailer)


入場時間:18:00 (以現場公告為準)


演出地點:ZEPP New Taipei(宏匯廣場8樓)


交通方式:機捷新莊副都心站A4 步行約5分鐘

啟售時間:2023/11/9(四) 中午12點


票  價:(早鳥票數售完恢復原價)

🎫飛越時光區(VIP) 600 站席 早鳥票NT$ 4,288限量300張 / 原價票NT$ 4,688 

🎫搖滾時光區 1271 站席 早鳥票NT$ 3,288 限量600張 / 原價票NT$ 3,688 

🎫穿梭時光區(豪華座椅) 50席 早鳥票NT$ 4,888 限量30張 / 原價票NT$ 5,288 

🎫暢遊時光區(舒適座椅) 231席 早鳥票NT$ 4,288 限量150張 / 原價票NT$ 4,688 

🎫遙望時光區 83 站席 早鳥票NT$ 2,888 限量50張 / 原價票NT$ 3,288 

👉 加購 Buy 🎫時光旅程先鋒營 VVIP 限量100席 Time Capsule Camp 早鳥NT$ 5,288 限量50張 / 原價NT$5,888
👀早鳥票至2023/12/10 為止





❤️ 各區站立席側邊提供部分友善座椅讓觀眾稍做休息

18.00 Door Open

19.00 Show Part 1

20.10 Intermission

20.30 Show Part 2

21.50 Ending 


👉 時光旅程先鋒營另行發售  Time Capsule Camp VVIP additional tickets
請點圖放大  Click to enlarge

現場VVIP報到及入場皆需出示演唱會票券及VVIP UPGRADE加價購票券為入場憑證。 

👿VIP 可享優先入場、優先購買周邊商品



●General Sale:2023/11/9(Thu) 12:00pm

●Ticketing:👉KKTIX / FamilyMart-FamiPort (Register KKTIX first) 

●Doors Open:18:00 (Based on announcements in the venue)

●Venue:Zepp New Taipei (Xinzhuang Honhui Plaza 8F)

●Address:8F, No.3, Sec. 4, New Taipei Blvd., Xinzhuang Dist., New Taipei City, Taiwan

●Traffic:👉Taoyuan Airport MRT, Xinzhuang Fuduxin Station same as SinJhuang Sub-city Center, A4 EXIT

●Admission Ticket Prices:

🎫Time to Roll Zone(VIP) Standing, Early Bird NT$ 4,288 / Original NT$ 4,688

🎫Time to Rock Zone Standing, Early Bird NT$ 3,288 / Original NT$ 3,688  

🎫Time to Fly Zone (Luxary Seats) Early Bird NT$ 4,888 / Original NT$ 5,288  

🎫Time to Go Zone (Comfortable Seats) Early Bird NT$ 4,288 / Original NT$ 4,688  

🎫Time to Stare Zone Standing, NT$ 2,888 / Original NT$ 3,288  

🎫Time Capsule Camp VVIP, with a limit of 100 quantities, add-on price NT$5,288 / Original NT$5,888, time at 16:00.

*VVIP is an additional tickets and need to combine with Europe Concert tickets. It includes watching rehearsal for 4 songs and 10 ppl a group photo with Europe (Without John Norum)+Prior entry+Europe Badge+Poster Calendar+Europe certification.

Promoter: The Rock Promotions / Rock Empire Music

❤️ Some seats are provided on the side of the standing area, VIP & Rock, for the audience to take a break, priority seats .

●Show Time:

   18.00 Door Open

   19.00 Show Part 1

   20.10 Intermission

   20.30 Show Part 2

   21.50 Show End

There is no opening act of this concert.

*Early Bird tickets sell until 2023/12/10.

*VVIP-Time Capsule Camp is at 16:00. The organizer has the right to reschedule the time. If ticket holders fail to attend rehearsal and photo session according to rescheduled time, they will be deemed to have voluntarily abstained. 

*More information, check www.rockempire.com.tw or www.facebook.com/rockempire before 3 days of the Concert.

*You can drink water in the venue, but no other drinks and food. Professional photo equipment and flash light are not allowed in the venue. Who does not cooperate MUST leave.

*Tickets with serial number to line up EXCEPT 2F seated tickets.

*Concert: Line up at 17:00 and doors open at 18:00. The time of entry and performance depends on the scene.

*If the line has already entered the venue, the on-site staff will guide you to enter the venue at the end of the line in each area.

*One person, one ticket, children still need to buy tickets, and only those over 120cm allow to enter the venue.

*For safety reason, please buy 2F seated tickets if you are not over 140cm tall.

*Mosh Pit, Stage Diving are prohibited. You will violate public safety regulations.

*Do not jump from 2nd floor or go on stage, those are not allowed strictly.

*The organizer reserves the right to change the program and details.

2023年11月1日 星期三

11/4(六)【又見漂亮姐姐山形瑞秋台北演唱會】進場公告“Rachael Yamagata Beyond The Garden Tour” ANNOUNCEMENT



演出時間:6:00pm (實際進場與開演時間以現場為主)



交通方式:1.MRT 藍線 善導寺站:3號出口,沿林森南路步行約10分鐘。 

        2.MRT 紅線 臺大醫院站:2號出口,行至景福門後,再沿仁愛路步行約12分鐘。



6:00pm  Rachael Yamagata樂團

7:30pm 演出結束


4:00pm 姐姐嫵媚區票券(VIP)優先領證及周邊購物時段。

4:15pm 各種票券混合排隊購物,VIP領證亦同。

VIP 簽名會

4:00pm~4:15pm 優先領證

4:45pm 3F樓梯間入口處整隊入場(依VIP掛牌序號)

5:00pm 簽名會

5:30pm 優先入場




5:00pm  3F樓梯間入口處整隊

5:30pm 入場

.因2023 Nightwish演唱會延期,延用 Nightwish演唱會票券參與本場次的觀眾,自5pm起,請至周邊櫃台登記,依現場工作人員指示進場。
    🍃 姐姐嫵媚區 $3,600 (可參加 5pm 簽名會及拍照和山形瑞秋特製吊飾掛牌)
    🍃 姐姐動人區 $2,200

🍃Date: 2023/11/4 (Sat)
📍Doors Open: 5:30pm
⏰Show Time: 6pm (Based on announcements in the venue)
🏢Venue: Taipei Performance Hall (3F., No. 17, Sec. 1, Ren'ai Rd., Zhongzheng Dist., Taipei City)
     MRT Blue Line, Shandao Temple Station, EXIT 3
     MRT Red Line, NTU Hospital Station, EXIT 2
🌼Ticketing: KKTIX, Famiport

Time Schedule
6pm  Rachael Yamagata Band
7:30pm Show End

Entrance Schedule
4:00 ★Limited VIP Badge Priority
4:15 All kinds tickets in the same line
💲Merch / Line Pay & digital payment methods & Cash

VIP Autograph
4:00~4:15pm Get Badge / Merch
4:45pm VIP Line Up
5:00pm Rachael Yamagata Autograph
5:30pm Priority Entrance

🍃VIP missing the autograph session is deemed to give up your own rights.
🍃One person is with one item only. After autograph, VIPs will enter the venue directly. If VIP leaves the autograph place due to personal reasons, it will be deemed as giving up the right of priority entrance. Please enter the venue with other ticket groups.

Regular Tickets Line Up
5:00pm 3F Line Up near stairway 
5:30pm Doors open

.Due to the postponement of 2023 Nightwish Concert in Taipei, audiences who use Nightwish concert tickets to participate in this show, please go to MERCH table at 5pm, and follow the instructions for entering.
.Tickets in the venue:
   🍃 VIP Ticket $3,600
   🍃 Regular Ticket $2,200
.No reissued for loss tickets.
.Do not tear the tickets yourself, and they are not allowed to be entered.

.To use the restroom before entering the venue, there are many restroom on 1F in the building.
.Please allow people with disabilities, elderly and the weak to enter the venue with kindness.
.Please bring a convenience backpack to enter the venue. Please do not place personal belongings in the venue to avoid loss.

Large Luggage
.Do not put bags on the seats.
."Merch Zone luggage storage" only allows large luggage. Please do not store money and valuables. After depositing, please do not pick them up or store it again.
.Get the luggage, the staff will only recognize the number card of the luggage, but not the person.

Concert Rules
.Smoking, drinking(pure water is available), eating, professional recording and photography and video recording are strictly prohibited in the venue. Any 3C products are prohibited from using flashlights, and any behavior that affects the rights of other audiences. If there is any, MUST leave the venue and you will not be allowed to enter the performance venue again.
*Promoter reserved the rights.

2023年9月1日 星期五

【又見漂亮姐姐山形瑞秋台北演唱會】Rachael Yamagata 2023 Live in Taipei

 Rachael Yamagata 2023 Live in Taipei
 Beyond The Garden Tour 

演出時間6:00pm (實際進場與開演時間以現場為主)
啟售時間:2023/9/2(六) 上午9點

9/2 上午九時早鳥票開賣,限量搶購
10/1 恢復原價

● 姐姐嫵媚區(VIP) $3,200(早鳥價)/ $3,600(原價),可參加簽名會及拍照和山形瑞秋特製吊飾掛牌
● 姐姐動人區 $1,800(早鳥價)/ $2,200(原價)

Rachael Yamagata 演出樂手介紹

🎸Connor Kennedy -歌手、吉他手、鼓手

📖 簡介
"Shakedown Street" - Eric Krasno, Connor Kennedy, James Casey & Grahame Lesh | Relix

🎹 Will Bryant -歌手、鍵盤手

📖 簡介
David Baron and Will Bryant - Moonlight



        網路眾多實力優秀的歌手,翻唱山形瑞秋(Rachael Yamagata)的歌曲來展現自己深厚的音樂實力。美國創作歌手山形瑞秋具勵志意味和鼓勵人勇敢追尋愛情的歌曲《Be Be Your Love》,是莫文蔚發行專輯的歌曲之一《一個人睡》,韓國家喻戶曉的創作女歌手白娥娟在2012年《K-pop Star選拔生存戰》唱這首歌曲獲得季軍,順利取得重量級娛樂公司的合約。韓國當紅人氣女團(G)I-DLE主唱Minnie,去年在YouTube頻道發佈這首曲子的翻唱版,粉絲們主動加上歌詞字幕,上傳不同的Minnie版,點閱率加起來近百萬,可見山形瑞秋的歌曲廣受喜愛。

        山形瑞秋的父親是第三代日裔美國人,母親則有義大利與德國血統。她曾擔任芝加哥的放克融合樂樂團 Bumpus 的主唱,在這六年間,她不斷的創作,錄製了三張樂團專輯,並在美國各地巡迴。2001年,在寫了數首與樂團曲風不和的歌曲後,她決定帶著這些歌開始個人演唱生涯。2002年9月,她與 Arista Records 旗下的 Private Music 簽下兩張唱片的合約,由 Malcolm Burn 製作的同名EP在10月發行。首張專輯《Happenstance》在2004年6月推出,獲得評論家一致好評。專輯由 John Alagia 擔任製作人。《I Want You》邀請了美國著名音樂團體 The Klezmatics 的成員參與。

        嗓音中總帶著藍調的憂鬱與其迷人的氣質遙相呼應,歷年作品深受美國多部暢銷電視影集與大銀幕配樂青睞,不論《實習醫生Grey's Anatomy》中的〈I Always Feel Like Somebody's Watchin' Me〉或《籃球的天空One Tree Hill》、《整形春秋》、《急診室的春天》、《玩酷世代》插曲,亦或電影《春心蕩漾 Prime》、《偷穿高跟鞋In Her Shoes》中與劇情完美搭配的民謠小品,都經由山形瑞秋真摯的演唱情感,觸動無數觀眾的心房。2018年為人氣韓劇《經常請吃飯的漂亮姐姐》OST演唱「Something In The Rain」、「La La La」兩曲,山形瑞秋穿插劇中的低沉磁性嗓音,引領劇迷們沉浸其中,2019年再度受邀為韓劇《春夜One Spring Night》OST獻聲「No Direction」、「Is It You」、「We Could Still Be Happy」。

        文青迷心中的獨立音樂女神山形瑞秋多年來曾受邀與 Eric Clapton、Jeff Beck、傑森瑪耶茲(Jason Mraz)、明眸樂團(Bright Eyes)、萊恩亞當斯(Ryan Adams)等人合作,山形瑞秋沙啞的嗓音總給人最直接的致命情緒,讓人還沒防備好就遭受攻擊,相當有渲染力。美聯社也對她有著高度評價:「除了擁有傑出的音色外,山形瑞秋的歌聲中也帶有一種厭世感。透過獨特的嗓音將心事娓娓道來是她的強項,撩人的聲響總能完美制霸舞台。她有著一種「我想怎麼唱就怎麼唱」的特別步調,至今發行五張專輯與六張EP的她,已具備多首經典神曲在樂迷心中,加上現場獨樹一格的爆發演出,還被封為女生版的Damien Rice。

        在探索山形瑞秋的過程中,她的 Instagram 盡是些貓咪犬兒、窗外都市風景、或野外森林、或美麗的雪景、一些街道、一杯咖啡、角落擺放的樂器、掛滿布幔的小木屋、就像她的歌聲般,真實的記載著她猶如嬉皮的生活風格,浪漫也豐富;在10多年的歌唱生涯中,山形瑞秋始終堅持著獨立精神遊走世界各地,對她來說,這是她個人專屬的、獨特形式的旅行、也是她人生的歷練、更是品味生活的方式。近年來,山形瑞秋多以小型近距離的演唱會與樂迷做最直接的互動,另外也新增影像元素至節目中,展現她的家居與旅行生活,使節目整體更貼近人心。



.因2023 Nightwish演唱會延期,延用 Nightwish演唱會票券參與本場次的觀眾,敬請先至周邊販售區登記,再依現場工作人員指示進場。

Rachael Yamagata 2023 Live in Taipei 
Beyond The Garden Tour 

Doors Open:5:30pm (Based on announcements in the venue)
Show Time6:00pm~7:30pm
Venue:Taipei Performance Hall(Taipei City Youth Development and Family Education Center 3F)       No. 17, Sec. 1, Ren'ai Rd., Zhongzheng Dist., Taipei City
Traffic:MRT 1.Blue Line -Shandao Temple Station:EXIT 3;
   2. Red Line-NTU Hospital Station:EXIT 2
Admission Ticket Prices
VIP Seated tickets, Early Bird NT$3,200 (Original NT$3,600)
  *VIP includes Autograph Session & Badge (Before doors open)
  *Limited one material for signature.
Ordinary Seated tickets, Early Bird NT$1,800 (Original NT$2,200)
General Sale:2023/9/2(SAT) 9am
KKTIX, FamilyMart-Famiport-Register first 

Rachael Yamagata Band Member

🎸Connor Kennedy -Singer, Guitarist, Drummer
📖 Introdution
🎞️ "Shakedown Street" - Eric Krasno, Connor Kennedy, James Casey & Grahame Lesh | Relix

🎹 Will Bryant -Singer, Keyboardist
📖 Introduction
🎞️ David Baron and Will Bryant - Moonlight

Promoter: The Rock Promotions / Rock Empire Music


.Early Bird tickets sell until 2023/9/30.
VIP Autograph Session is at 5pm temporary (VIP tickets are reserved seats. The VIP badge and serial numbers will start to release on third floor of the venue at 4pm. According to the order of queuing on site.) The organizer has the right to reschedule VIP Autograph Session time. If VIP ticket holders do not attend Autograph Session on time, and it will be regarded as voluntary waiver. Please pay attention to Rock Empire Music official website www.rockempire.com.tw and Facebook FB/rockempire three days before the concert.
.Reserved seats in this concert.
No drinking, eating, professional camera and flash light in the venue.
.Tickets are not allowed to be torn by audiences. Ticket stubs are not allowed to entry except with extra entry card if you leave the venue after entry.
.One person holds one ticket, children still need to buy tickets, and only those over 120cm can enter the venue.
Due to the postponement of the 2023 Nightwish concert, audiences who will use Nightwish concert tickets to participate in this show, please go to the merchandise area first, and the staff will give you the entry instruction.
.Who does not cooperate with the promoter, MUST leave and no entry again.
.The organizer The Rock Promotions / Rock Empire Music reserves the right to reschedule the event details.

周邊商品 Merchandise  賣場🛒 👉 Yahoo  👉 露天

2023年7月31日 星期一

8/2(三) Mr. Big 限量周邊 Limited Merch

8/2(三) Mr. Big 進場時程 Time Schedule

周邊商品 Merch (數量有限 Limited quantity)

👿 Mr. Big 珍藏版2011, 2017, 2018 T-shirt 特價$600 請勿錯過
      2011, 2017, 2018 T-shirt special price $600, Don't miss it!

現場相關商品 Related Merch Include
Artist endorsement limited products, special price, waiting for you!

海國樂器 Haikuo                 穎凱國際 Sound Sketch

2023年7月29日 星期六

8/2(三)【大人物結成35年大圓滿告別巡迴台北場】進場公告“Mr. Big The Big Finish Farewell Tour” ANNOUNCEMENT

演出日期:2023/8/2 (三)

入場時間:6:00pm (以現場公告為準)


演出地點:Zepp New Taipei(宏匯廣場8樓)






7:00pm  Lee Q樂團  Instagram 

8:00pm  Mr. Big樂團

9:30~9:45pm 演出結束

活動時程 / ZEPP 8F 排隊位置



周邊  電子支付/現金

3:00~3:30pm VIP票券優先領證及購物時段。

3:30pm 各種票券混合排隊購物,VIP領證亦同。

😊8/2(三) MR. BIG 限量周邊 LIMITED MERCH

VIP 簽名會

3:00pm~3:30pm 優先領證(票券序號排序)

4:50pm 整隊(憑票從Zepp入口進入領證,無法由此購物)

5:10pm 移動入場簽名

5:30pm 簽名會

6:00pm 優先入場(站席)



熱情搖滾區 Rock Zone - Line up group

熱情搖滾區 - 第一梯 #1區~8區,請依序號排隊,站席

5:00pm 整隊

6:00pm 入場

熱情搖滾區 - 第二梯 #9區,請依序號排隊,站席

6:20pm 整隊

6:30pm 入場

二樓站立區 - 請依序號排隊,站席

5:50pm 整隊

6:20pm 入場



6:30pm 入場

因2023 Nightwish演唱會延期,延用 Nightwish演唱會票券參與本場次的觀眾,自5pm起,請從“Zepp正門”至周邊櫃台登記,再依現場工作人員指示進場。
.禁止 Mosh Pit (衝撞), Stage Diving (跳水) 等遊戲,您將觸犯公共安全條例。

😈Date: 2023/8/2 (Wed)
📍Doors Open: 6pm (Based on announcements in the venue)
⏰Show Time: 7pm
🏢Venue: Zepp New Taipei (Xinzhuang Honhui Plaza 8F, take the ESCALATOR)
🚝Traffic: Taoyuan Airport MRT, Xinzhuang Fuduxin Station same as SinJhuang Sub-city Center, A4 EXIT

Time Schedule
7pm  Supporting Band Lee Q Instagram 
8pm  Mr. Big
9:30~9:45pm Show End

Entrance Schedule / ZEPP 8F Line Up Place
👿Please focus on your ticket type, notice your line up and entrance information.
👿Serial number order, please check with other audiences when you line up in your group.

Merch / Line Pay & digital payment methods & Cash
3pm ★Limited VIP Badge Priority
3:30pm All kinds tickets in the same line

4:50pm VIP Line Up
5:10pm VIP Doors Open
5:30pm Mr. Big Autograph

👿VIP missing the autograph session is deemed to give up your own rights.
👿One person is with one item only. After autograph, VIPs will enter the venue directly. If VIP leaves the autograph place due to personal reasons, it will be deemed as giving up the right of priority entrance. Please enter the venue with Rock Zone group.

Rock Zone - Line up group picture ↑↑↑
Rock Zone - First Rung Group 1~Group 8 / Serial number order / Standing
5pm Line Up
6pm Enter

Rock Zone - Second Rung Group 9 / Serial number order / Standing
6:20pm Line Up
6:30pm Enter

2F Standing Zone / Serial number order / Standing
5:50pm Line Up
6:20pm Enter
*2F- all seats are sold out, please do not occupy any seats or sit on the stair walkway.

2F Reserved Seats
6:30pm Enter

.Due to the postponement of 2023 Nightwish Concert in Taipei, audiences who use Nightwish concert tickets to participate in this show, please go to MERCH zone at 5pm~ from "Zepp main entrance" , and follow the instructions for entering.
.Tickets in the venue:Rock Zone $3200.
.No reissued for loss tickets.
.Do not tear the tickets yourself, and they are not allowed to be entered.

Large Luggage
.Do not bring large bags to the second floor, please store them in coin lockers.
."Merch Zone luggage storage" only allows large luggage. Please do not store money and valuables. After depositing, please do not pick them up or store it again.
.Get the luggage, the staff will only recognize the number card of the luggage, but not the person.

.Please allow people with disabilities, elderly and the weak to enter the venue with kindness.
.Please bring a convenience backpack to enter the venue. Please do not place personal belongings in the venue to avoid loss.
To use the restroom before entering the venue, furthermore you can keep the position where you stand at the first time.

Concert Rules
.Smoking, drinking(pure water is available), eating, professional recording and photography and video recording are strictly prohibited in the venue. Any 3C products are prohibited from using flashlights, and any behavior that affects the rights of other audiences. If there is any, MUST leave the venue and you will not be allowed to enter the performance venue again.
Mosh Pit, Stage Diving are prohibited, you will be violating public safety regulations.
.No jumping game from the second floor or onto the stage, they are prohibited.
*Promoter reserved the rights.
宏匯廣場接駁車  MRT Transfer Shuttle Bus 

2023年4月19日 星期三

【2023/8/2(三)大人物結成35年大圓滿告別巡迴台北場】Wed., Aug. 3rd, Mr. Big The Big Finish Farewell Tour

    Mr. Big The Big Finish Farewell Tour

:Lee Q 吳力勻 - 吉地演奏專輯 Right On Cue 新上市
入場時間:18:00 (以現場公告為準)
演出地點:ZEPP New Taipei(宏匯廣場8樓)
啟售時間:2023/4/1(六) 上午9點
演出時間:19:00 Lee Q
                   19:30 中段換場
                   20:00 Mr. Big

5/1 勞動節恢復原價
(售罄)一樓大大貴賓區限量  50席  6,800(早鳥價),可參加簽名會及拍照和享有搖滾區優先入場權利+Mr. Big 特製吊飾掛牌及年曆海報
● 一樓熱情搖滾區限量 1,800席  2,800(早鳥價),  3,200 (原價)
(售罄)二樓豪華座位區限量  50席  3,800(早鳥價),  4,200 (原價)
(售罄)二樓舒適座位區限量  231席  3,200(早鳥價),  3,600 (原價)
(售罄)二樓站立觀賞區限量  83席  2,200(早鳥價),  2,600(原價)
● 上述(售罄)票種,若有人退票,售票系統將不定時釋出可購買票數。


        屹立不搖樂壇三十年的 Mr. Big 大人物樂團,在鼓手Pat Torpey的離去後,將再次為喜愛他們的樂迷留下美好的回憶。1994年、1996年、2011年、2014年、2017年、2018年,這幾次 Mr. Big 來台舉辦演唱會可說是場場爆滿,2011年來台更造成台北和台中兩場票券秒殺的盛況。在韓風、日系盛行的當下,搖滾演唱會票券秒殺可說是難得一見,而他們是近幾年第一組自90年代紅到至今的搖滾團在台演出票券秒殺的團體!由此可見 Mr. Big 的魅力與不凡的號召力,他們帶給樂迷極大震撼與魅力,至今仍令人難忘。1988年成軍至今 Mr. Big 樂團著重音樂旋律編曲有著強烈的音樂性,在台灣得到廣大粉絲群支持,樂團成員平均年齡將近60歲依然活力十足,經典歌曲深深吸引著粉絲從小聽到大,更是學校熱音社和吉他社必練歌曲,年年都有新歌迷的加入,廣大歌迷年齡遍及16、17歲至4、50歲等青少壯人仕。這次七度來台勢必又將刮起搖滾風暴。
        當年以一首暢銷金曲『to be with you』走紅全世界,成為紅極一時的搖滾天團,以硬式搖滾風格橫走樂界,是90年代少數還活躍於美國主流樂壇的Hard Rock Band,而 Mr. Big 的最大賣點,是在於他們的強力樂手,團員各個來頭可不小,擁有最令人稱羨的夢幻陣容,在搖滾樂界都是宗師級的權威人物,貝斯魔皇 Billy Sheehan 曾與 Steve Vai 和 David Lee Roth 合作,光速吉他手 Paul Gilbert 是高居日本人氣第一的美國吉他英雄,蟬聯多年日本 Young Guitar 雜誌票選最佳吉他手,更榮登日本 MI音樂學校校長寶座。Paul Gilbert 與貝斯手 Billy Sheehan 無可挑剔的精湛的技巧,都受到技術搖滾界推崇與超高評價,甚至在演唱會用『電鑽』彈奏!在展現高超技巧的同時,噱頭與話題性爆表。在台灣出生的主唱 Eric 用充滿雄性魅力又不失深情的沙啞磁性嗓音,音樂一下就讓樂迷熱血沸騰。在鼓手 Pat Torpey 離去後,最新出爐的新鼓手 Nicholas D'Virgilio 是六座葛萊美獎得主Phil Collins親身指定 Genesis 代班鼓手,Spock's Beard 和 Big Big Train 當家鼓手,Tears For Fears 以及 Mystery 御用打擊樂器手。如此強棒陣容,絕技再現,台北演唱會現場勢必精采萬分!



Mr. Big樂手介紹

Mr. Big The Big Finish Farewell Tour
General Sale:2023/4/1(SAT) 9AM
KKTIX / FamilyMart-FamiPort Register first 
Doors Open:6PM (Based on announcements in the venue)
Show Time
   7PM Lee Q
   730PM Intermission  
   8PM Mr. Big
Venue:Zepp New Taipei (Xinzhuang Honhui Plaza 8F)
Traffic:Taoyuan Airport MRT, Xinzhuang Fuduxin Station same as SinJhuang Sub-city Center, A4 EXIT
Admission Ticket Prices
●1F GA VIP NT$6,800 Limited for 50 ppl Sold Out 
*VIP includes Meet and Greet before doors open+Prior entry+Mr. Big Badge+Poster Calendar.
*Limited one material for signature. 
●1F GA Early Bird NT$2,800 (Original NT$3,200)
●2F Front Seated Early Bird NT$3,800 (Original NT$ 4,200) Sold Out
●2F Ordinary Seated Early Bird NT$3,200 (Original NT$ 3,600) Sold Out
●2F Standing Area Early Bird NT$2,200 (Original NT$ 2,600) Sold Out

Promoter: The Rock Promotions/Rock Empire Music

*Early Bird tickets sell until 2023/4/30.
*VIP-Autograph Session is at 17:30. The organizer has the right to reschedule the time. If ticket holders fail to attend the Autograph Session according to rescheduled time, they will be deemed to have voluntarily abstained. 
*More information, check www.rockempire.com.tw or rockempire Facebook before 3 days of the Concert.
*Tickets with serial number to line up EXCEPT 2F seated tickets.
*Line up at 17:00 and doors open at 18:00. The time of entry and performance depends on the scene.
*If the line has already entered the venue, the on-site staff will guide you to enter the venue at the end of the line in each area.
*One person, one ticket, children still need to buy a ticket, and only those over 120cm allow to enter the venue.
*The organizer reserves the right to change the program and details.

Pandemic prevention
Due to COVID-19, please follow the requirements of Central Epidemic Command Center and New Taipei City Health Bureau:
- Please wear a mask throughout the venue and keep social distance.
- You can drink water in the venue, but no other drinks and food.
- Who does not cooperate MUST leave.

2023年3月27日 星期一

3/31(五)【NIGHTWISH 2023台北演唱會】公告


場地:Zepp New Taipei(宏匯廣場8樓)新北市新莊區新北大道四段三號八樓


7pm  MELT樂團

8pm  Nightwish樂團

10pm 演出結束

ZEPP 8F 排隊位置



3:00pm 領掛牌(票券序號排序)

5:10pm 進場簽名

5:30pm 簽名會

6:00pm 優先進場



5:00pm 排隊

6:00pm 進場


6:30 排隊進場

*因場地範圍有限,2F觀眾A區 #1~150號,6:30請先到8樓排隊,B區、C區請在旁依照人員指示排隊進場,場內禁止佔位。





3pm 周邊開賣(商品限量)















.禁止 Mosh Pit (衝撞), Stage Diving (跳水) 等遊戲,您將觸犯公共安全條例。


