go 2024 ~ 搖滾帝國 Rock Empire Music

The Rock Promotions, Metal Gate CD & DVD Shop online

曾經在The Wall、饒河街旁的金屬極境挖寶的搖滾客們,堅持的心永遠不滅,新版的網購將逐步更新,大家千萬記得這個屬於搖滾客的天地。

2024年10月2日 星期三

【2024/12/3(二)上尉詩人JAMES BLUNT 2024年世界巡迴 台北演唱會】Tue., Dec. 3 James Blunt - The Who We Used To Be 2024 World Tour Taipei @ Zepp New Taipei

 【2024/12/3(二)上尉詩人JAMES BLUNT 2024年世界巡迴 台北演唱會】
     The Who We Used To Be 2024 World Tour Taipei

James Blunt - Monsters

入場時間:18:00 (以現場公告為準)
演出地點:ZEPP New Taipei(宏匯廣場8樓)

票  價

🎫🧍詩人柔情區(站立) 早鳥 3688, 原價3888 (限量800席) 
🎫🧍詩人激情區(站立) 早鳥 2688, 原價2888 (限量800席)
❤️ 一樓站立席側邊提供部分座椅讓觀眾稍做休息
🎫💺詩人豪華區(座位) 早鳥 4688, 原價4888 (限量50席) 對號入座
🎫💺詩人舒適區(座位) 早鳥 3688, 原價3888 (限量180席) 對號入座 
🎫🧍詩人遙望區(站立) 早鳥 1888, 原價2088 (限量83席)    
👀早鳥至2024/10/31止, 11月1日起恢復原價


特邀嘉賓:TBD (如果無暖場團,演出將在19:00開演)


18:00 開始入場
19:00 暖場團演出
19:30 換場
20:00 James Blunt 演出
21:30 演出結束


-創作橫掃歐洲大陸、愛爾蘭、荷蘭、葡萄牙、瑞典、加拿大和美國流行樂告示牌冠軍寶座的曠世神曲 <You're Beautiful>

-和全球新巨星紅髮艾德(Ed Sheeran),共和世代(OneRepublic)主唱Ryan Tedder共譜2017專輯新曲


-與獲得德國音協白金與金質獎的舞曲DJ Alle Farben合作,激盪音樂多元火花

-2023年和美國偶像(American Idol)冠軍歌手Iam Tongi合唱感人至極,動人心弦的歌曲 <Monsters>,歌詞訴說父親與病魔的爭戰,以及父子間的深刻情感,聽眾熱淚迴響

The Who We Used To Be 2024 World Tour Taipei

● Date:2024/12/3(Tue)
● General On Sale:2024/10/5(Sat) 10am
● Doors Open:18:00 (Based on announcements in the venue)
● Venue:Zepp New Taipei (Xinzhuang Honhui Plaza 8F)
● Address:8F, No.3, Sec. 4, New Taipei Blvd., Xinzhuang Dist., New Taipei City, Taiwan
● Traffic:👉Taoyuan Airport MRT, "Xinzhuang Fuduxin Station" same name as "SinJhuang Sub-city Center", A4 EXIT
● KKTIX / FamilyMart-FamiPort 
● Admission Ticket:
🎫🧍Tenderness Zone(VIP) Standing, Early Bird NT$ 3,688 / Original NT$ 3,888 (Limited for 800 positons)
🎫🧍Passion Zone(Rock) Standing, Early Bird NT$ 2,688 / Original NT$ 2,888(Limited for 800 positons)
❤️ Some seats are provided on the side of the standing area, VIP & Rock, for the audience to take a break, priority seats.
🎫💺Luxary Seating, Early Bird NT$ 4,688 / Original NT$ 4,888  
🎫💺Comfortable Seating, Early Bird NT$ 3,688 / Original NT$ 3,888  
🎫🧍2F Staring Zone Standing, Early Bird NT$ 1,888 / Original NT$ 2,088 (Limited for 83 positons)
*Early Bird tickets sell until 2024/10/31.
※Paper ticket for 1st Floor, includes VIP and GA Area. 
Paper ticket and Digi ticket are available for 2nd Floor, seating and belcony standing. 
Standing Area--Line up with serial number on tickets.
*More information, check www.rockempire.com.tw or www.facebook.com/rockempire before 3 days of the Concert.

Supporting Act: TBD
(If there is no Opening Act, James Blunt show starts at 19:00)

Show Time
18:00 Door Open
19:00 Opening Act Show
19:30 Change Over
20:00 James Blunt Show
21:30 Show End

Organizer: Rock Empire Music
Promoter: The Rock Promotions
Co-Promoter: PEACE


.考量安全和觀看視線140cm以下兒童請購買Zepp 2F票券。
.禁止 Mosh Pit (衝撞), Stage Diving (跳水) 等遊戲,您將觸犯公共安全條例。

*You can drink in the venue, but no food. Professional photo equipment and flash light are not allowed in the venue. Who does not cooperate MUST leave.
*Concert: Line up at 17:00 and doors open at 18:00. The time of entry and performance depends on the scene.
*If the line has already entered the venue, the on-site staff will guide you to enter the venue at the end of the line in each area.
*One person, one ticket, children still need to buy tickets, and only those over 120cm allow to enter the venue.
*For safety reason, please buy 2F seated tickets if you are not over 140cm tall.
*Mosh Pit, Stage Diving are prohibited. You will violate public safety regulations.
*Do not jump from 2nd floor or go on stage, those are not allowed strictly.
*The organizer reserves the right to change the program and details.




2024年9月9日 星期一




入場時間:18:30 (以現場公告為準)


演出地點:杰克音樂 (Jack's Studio)



停車:洛陽停車場 (台北市萬華區環河南路一段1號)




特邀嘉賓:GALIOZ (咖哩好吃)


19:00 GALIOZ (咖哩好吃) 樂團

19:30 換場


21:30 結束


16:00 雷霆貴賓區(VIP) 優先領證及周邊購物時段。

16:30 各種票券混合排隊購物,VIP領證亦同。


VIP 簽名會

16:00~16:30 優先領證

17:40 B1樓梯間入口處整隊入場(依VIP掛牌序號)

18:00 簽名會

18:30 優先入場




18:20  1F入口處整隊

18:30 入場


   🎫 雷霆貴賓區 $4,288 (可參加 18:00 簽名會、拍照、特製掛牌)

   🎫 響度搖滾區 $2,288














🎯Date: 2024/9/12 (Thu)

📍Doors Open: 18:30

⏰Show Time: 19:00 (Based on announcements in the venue)

🏢Venue: B1, No. 76, Kunming St., Wanhua Dist., Taipei City, Taiwan (R.O.C.)

🚝Traffic: MRT Green LineBlue Line, Ximen Station, EXIT 6
🚘Parking: Luoyang parking lot, No. 1, Sec. 1, Huanhe S. Rd., Wanhua Dist., Taipei City

🏪Ticketing: KKTIX, Family Mart Convenience Store - Famiport

Time Schedule

19:00 Opening Act GALIOZ Band

19:30 Change Over

20:00 LOUDNESS Show

21:30 Show End

Entrance Schedule

16:00 ★Limited VIP Badge Priority

16:30 All kinds tickets in the same line

💲Merch / Line Pay & digital payment methods & Cash

VIP Autograph Session

16:00~16:30 Get Badge / Merch

17:40 VIP Line Up at B1 (Badge number order)

18:00 Autograph

18:30 Priority Entrance

👿VIP missing the autograph session is deemed to give up your own rights.

✨One person is with one item only. After autograph, VIPs will enter the venue directly. If VIP leaves the autograph place due to personal reasons, it will be deemed as giving up the right of priority entrance. Please enter the venue with other ticket groups.

Regular Tickets Line Up

18:20 1F Line Up near stairway

18:30 Doors open


 🎫  VIP Ticket $$4,288 (Availabe 18:00 Autograph Session & VIP badge)

 🎫  Regular Ticket $2,288

.No reissued for loss tickets.

.Do not tear the tickets yourself, and they are not allowed to be entered.


.To use the restroom before entering the venue, there are restroom at B1 in the building.

.Please allow people with disabilities, elderly and the weak to enter the venue with kindness.

.Please bring a convenience backpack to enter the venue. Please do not place personal belongings in the venue to avoid loss.

Large Luggage

.Do not put bags on the seats.

."Merch Zone luggage storage" only allows large luggage. Please do not store money and valuables. After depositing, please do not pick them up or store it again.

.Get the luggage, the staff will only recognize the number card of the luggage, but not the person.

Concert Rules

.Smoking, drinking(pure water is available), eating, professional recording and photography and video recording are strictly prohibited in the venue. Any 3C products are prohibited from using flashlights, and any behavior that affects the rights of other audiences. If there is any, MUST leave the venue and you will not be allowed to enter the performance venue again.

*Promoter reserved the rights.

2024年5月24日 星期五

2024/9/12(四)【LOUDNESS 2024 世界巡迴台北演唱會】


入場時間:18:30 (以現場公告為準)
演出地點:杰克音樂 (Jack's Studio)
交通方式:台北捷運綠線西門站6號出口 (漢中街直行,遇峨眉街左轉,遇昆明街右轉)
啟售時間:2024/5/25(六) 中午12點
特邀嘉賓:GALIOZ (咖哩好吃)

🎫 雷霆貴賓區 (VIP Admission) 總量五十席
$3,888 (早鳥限量30席)  $4,288 (原價)
※持雷霆區貴賓區票券者暫訂於18:00參加粉絲見面會,主辦單位有權異動入場時間,持票者若未依照異動時間到場,視為主動棄權。請演出活動前三天隨時關注搖滾帝國官網www.rockempire.com.tw及臉書 FB/rockempire

🎫 響度搖滾區 (Loud Admission) 總量兩百席
$1,888 (早鳥限量100席),$2,288 (原價)


Loudness 樂團介紹


Loudness響度樂團 成軍於1981年5月,由樂團前身 LAZY 的吉他手高崎晃、鼓手樋口宗孝以及貝斯手田中宏幸所創立的新樂團,之後由前EARTHSHAKER的二井原實擔任主唱,但不久後田中即因音樂性不同而離開了樂團,隨後找上高崎晃兒時好友的山下昌良作為貝斯手。Loudness是第一個被美國廠牌簽約的日本重金屬樂團,共發了27張錄音專輯(美國發行五張),登上 Billboard Top 100,儘管成員做過多次變動,在90年代仍有表演活動。到了2000年原班人馬重組,2008年鼓手樋口宗孝因肝癌症逝世於大阪享年49,新任鼓手為鈴木政行。


1981年8月Loudness開始錄製第一張專輯,於是11月震撼日本重金屬界的專輯《The Birthday Eve》發行,這張專輯開創日本金屬界的序章,Loudness純金屬樂風,建立了一個幾乎是所有1980年代早期日本金屬樂團模仿的樣板,樂隊因日本良好的專輯銷售反應而興奮,迅速連續製作了四張錄音室專輯。83年7月,首次的美國巡迴相當成功,8月又前往歐洲巡迴。從此決心展開包括日本在內全世界的音樂活動。到了9月,新專輯《Disillusion》由製作過 Yes 名專輯「90125」的製作人Julian Mendelsohn負責,為了第4張專製作前往英國,終於完成眾團員首次海外錄音的心願。84年5月及83年兩次美國巡迴,終於引起美國Atlantic Record注意,簽訂日本樂團首次全世界契約。當年8月遠赴洛杉磯,找來了因製作 Ozzy Osbourne專輯,而世界知名的製作人Max Norman負責預定於隔年首張全球發行的專輯。85年1月值得紀念首張全球發行的專輯《Thunder In The East》發行。日本排行榜最高曾達到第4位,Billboard 專輯榜上排名第74位,更連續19週停留在榜上。8月則與Motley Crue進行全美巡迴,8月14日則是進行日本搖滾團在紐約 Madison Square Garden 的首度演出;同年12月開始進行新專輯的錄製,製作人同樣為Max Norman。86年3月《Shadows Of War》發行。美國版專輯名稱改為《Lightning Strikes》,創下Billboard第64位記錄,而之後在全美各地的現場演出均獲得好評。87年8月、名製作人Eddie Kramer 製作的專輯《Hurricane Eyes》發行,這張專輯特別再以日文版發行。


88年12月二井原實卻發表了退團聲明,之後Loudness選定Obsession的義大利裔美籍主唱 Mike Vescera作為他們的新主唱,新的Loudness系列錄製了兩張錄音室專輯,但新專輯並未改善他們在美國的地位,Vescera在1991年美國巡演期間離開了 Loudness,前Ezo主唱Masaki Yamada山田雅樹加入完成巡演。之後他們返回日本,不久之後原始團員山下昌良也退團,前 X Japan貝斯手 Taiji Sawada澤田泰司加入,除原始成員外最強陣容的第三期Loudness 形成。92年6月發行專輯《Loudness》,更創造在ORICON排行榜上初登場就是第2位的記錄。澤田泰司的加入之後,對Loudness的樂迷層變化的影響在此可見一斑。然而團員間卻在之後接連發生許多衝突,澤田泰司以及樋口宗孝相繼退團,這時Loudness已陷入生死存亡的重要關頭。94年原本決心退團的山田雅樹回心轉意與高崎開始第4期Loudness,鼓手找來前EZO的本間大嗣開始專輯《Heavy Metal Hippies》的製作,之後Bass手柴田直人正式加入,第4期Loudness的陣容就此完成。99年7月,第4期 Loudness 的最後一張專輯《Engine》發行。2000年Masaki Yamada 山田雅樹表達了想退出 Loudness 的意願,並建議高崎為慶祝樂隊成立20週年與原始團員重聚,終於在5月發表Loudness 復活宣言。01年3月,睽違13年以原始成員錄製的新專輯《Spiritual Canoe》發表。自2001年重聚以來,Loudness持續發表錄音室專輯和DVD作品。


Loudness是日本最具代表性,同時也是歷史最悠久的一支重金屬樂團,吉他手高崎晃和已逝鼓手樋口宗孝為樂團的靈魂人物,自80年代初期至今團員幾經更迭,但音樂活動始終沒有中止,樂團作品數量龐大,為金屬樂迷熟知的名曲包括Crazy Night、S.D.I、Speed、抒情歌So Lonely...等,2019年Loudness東方雷霆首度襲台,2022年發行第28張專輯,登上日本專輯排行榜Oricon週排名第五佳績,2024年在眾金屬迷翹首期盼下,進行樂團成軍40年全球巡演,即將再次來到台灣,請各位做好萬全準備,迎接重金屬之聲的暢快淋漓。

●General On Sale:2024/5/25(Sat) 12pm
  KKTIX / FamilyMart-FamiPort (Register KKTIX first, Paper ticket or Digi ticket are available for this event.) 
●Doors Open:18:30 (Based on announcements in the venue)
●Venue:Jack's Studio
●Traffic:Taipei MRT Green Line, Ximen Station, EXIT 6
 (Go straight to Hanzhong St., turn left to Emei Str., turn right to Kunming St.)
●Admission Ticket:
-Early Bird GA $1,888 VIP $3,888 Ending on Jun. 30
-Original price GA $2,288 VIP $4,288 Starting on Jul. 1
※VIP exclusive: early entry, autograph session with only one stuff, VIP Pass.
VIP autograph session is tentatively scheduled at 18:00 on show day. The organizer has the right to reschedule the time. If ticket holders fail to attend autograph session according to rescheduled time, they will be deemed to have voluntarily abstained. 
※More information, check www.rockempire.com.tw or www.facebook.com/rockempire before 3 days of the Concert.
※Line up with serial number on tickets.
●Supporting Act: GALIOZ 



加入搖滾帝國  官方 Line: https://lin.ee/pZWGAQB (加好友可以直接詢問和訂貨)

2024年5月7日 星期二

2024/5/11-12(六、日)【大敵當前女力金屬祭】進場公告 “Female Metal Formosa 2024 Featuring Arch Enemy” ANNOUNCEMENT



演出地點:Legacy Taichung 傳 音樂展演空間
交通方式:高鐵 轉乘公車
 1. 155副線-安和公園站
 2. 161-福安里站(台灣大道/安和路)

演出時間:18:00 (實際進場與開演時間以現場為主)


16:00 邪神貴賓區VIP 優先領證及周邊購物時段。
16:30 各種票券混合排隊購物,VIP領證亦同。

VIP 簽名會
16:00~16:30 優先領證
16:40 入口處整隊入場(依VIP掛牌序號)
17:00 簽名會
17:30 優先入場


大敵搖滾區 排隊位置
17:00  入口處整隊
17:30  入場

.為維護安全,禁止 Mosh Pit (衝撞), Stage Diving (跳水) 等遊戲,您將觸犯公共安全條例。

👉 Loudness 9月搖滾台北 /  Loudness 2024 Live in Taipei 👈

Arch Enemy 2024 Taipei
📅Date: 2024/5/11 (Sat)
🏢Venue: Hana Space (Taipei City Youth Development and Family Education Center)
 (10F., No. 17, Sec. 1, Ren'ai Rd., Zhongzheng Dist., Taipei City)
     MRT Blue Line, Shandao Temple Station, EXIT 3
     MRT Red Line, NTU Hospital Station, EXIT 2

Arch Enemy 2024 Taichung
📅Date: 2024/5/12 (Sun)
🏢Venue: Legacy Taichung (No. 117, Anhe Rd., Xitun Dist., Taichung City)
🚝Traffic: High Speed Rail Taichung Station transfer to city bus 
  1. #155 secondary line - Anhe Park Station
  2. #161 - Fu-an Village Station 

📍Doors Open: 17:30
⏰Show Time: 18:00 (Based on announcements in the venue)
🎫Ticketing: KKTIX, Famiport
👨Promoter: Rock Empire Music / The Rock Promotions, Emerge Music

Entrance Schedule
16:00 ★Limited VIP Badge Priority for merch
16:30 All kind tickets in the same line for merch
💲Merch / Line Pay & digital payment methods & Cash

VIP Autograph
16:00~16:30 Get Badge / Merch
16:40 VIP Line Up
17:00 Autograph
17:30 Priority Entrance

👿VIP missing the autograph session is deemed to give up your own rights.
👿One person is with one item only. After autograph, VIPs will enter the venue directly. If VIP leaves the autograph place due to personal reasons, it will be deemed as giving up the right of priority entrance. Please enter the venue with other ticket groups.

Rock Area Tickets Line Up
17:00 Line Up
17:30 Doors open

.No reissued for loss tickets.
.Do not tear the tickets yourself, and they are not allowed to be entered.

.To use the restroom before entering the venue, there are many restroom on 1F in the building.
.Please allow people with disabilities, elderly and the weak to enter the venue with kindness.
.Please bring a convenience backpack to enter the venue. Please do not place personal belongings in the venue to avoid loss.

Large Luggage
.Do not put bags anywhere in the venue without caring.
."Merch Zone luggage storage" only allows large luggage. Please do not store money and valuables. After depositing, please do not pick them up or store it again.
.Get the luggage, the staff will only recognize the number card of the luggage, but not the person.

Concert Rules
.Smoking, drinking(pure water is available), eating, professional recording and photography and video recording are strictly prohibited in the venue. Any 3C products are prohibited from using flashlights, and any behavior that affects the rights of other audiences. If there is any, MUST leave the venue and you will not be allowed to enter the performance venue again.
.Mosh Pit, Stage Diving are prohibited, you will be violating public safety regulations.
*Promoter reserved the rights.

2024年3月3日 星期日


演出日期:2024/3/7 (四)

入場時間:5:00pm (若有異動以現場公告為準)


演出地點:Zepp New Taipei(宏匯廣場8樓)






6:00pm 開場樂團 I - 瘋狂公爵 Crazy Duke (台灣)

6:30pm 換場 Change over

7:00pm  開場樂團 II - Black Sonic Pearls (外國)

7:30pm 換場 Change over

8:00pm SMKC Show

10:00-10:30pm 結束 Ending 

活動時程 / ZEPP 8F 排隊位置




4:30pm 整隊 

5:00pm 進場 


5:40pm 整隊進場



3:00-3:30pm 來去貴賓區(VIP) 優先周邊排隊購物時段


4:00pm 全區周邊排隊購物時段

周邊  電子支付/現金

Line Pay、街口支付、支付寶、微信。

😊會再公佈 3/7(四) Slash 限量周邊 LIMITED MERCH 敬請期待




👿 禁止攜帶食物和預先購買的飲料進入Zepp前廳。

👿 禁止攜帶瓶裝飲料進場。

👿 演出時禁用專業攝影機、相機、手機攝影和拍照。(藝人要求)

👿 本場節目約四小時,攜帶個人包包或背包進場,會影響個人和他人觀賞的權益,敬請事先寄放置物櫃,再行進場。(小包請勿超過A4大小)

👿 現場視情況進行安檢。





Zepp寄物櫃 / 大型行李寄物










.禁止 Mosh Pit (衝撞), Stage Diving (跳水) 等遊戲,您將觸犯公共安全條例。



😈Date: 2024/3/7 (Thu)

📍Doors Open: 5:00pm (Based on announcements in the venue)

⏰Show Time: 6:00pm

🏢Venue: Zepp New Taipei (Xinzhuang Honhui Plaza 8F, take the ESCALATOR)

🚝Traffic: Taoyuan Airport MRT, Xinzhuang Fuduxin Station A4 same as SinJhuang Sub-city Center, EXIT 2

Ticket: KKTIX

😈Time Schedule😈

6:00pm Support Act I - Crazy Duke (Taiwan) 

6:30pm Change over

7:00pm Support Act II - Black Sonic Pearls 

7:30pm Change over

8:00pm SMKC Show

10:00-10:30pm Ending 

Entrance Schedule / ZEPP 8F Line Up Place

👿Please focus on your ticket type, notice your line up and entrance information.

👿Serial number order, please check with other audiences when you line up in your group.

👿Line Up schedule (When team begin to enter, if you do not entered the queue with serial number, your entry serial number will be expired. Please queue in others line and follow the instruction by staff.)

👀 GA VIP Area, Rock Zone, 2F Standing Area(Serial number order / Standing)

4:30pm Line Up

5:00pm Doors Open

👀 2F Front and Ordinary Seats (Reserved Seats, Sold Out)

5:40pm Line Up & Enter

*All reserved seats on 2F are sold out. For safety reasons, please sit on the seats always. Standing or occupying other seats is prohibited. Sitting or standing on the stairs or aisles during the show is prohibited.

Merch Line Up

3:00-3:30pm "GA VIP Area" Priority Line Up


4:00pm All kinds tickets in a same line for Merch

Merch / Digital payment methods & Cash

Line Pay, Jiekou Pay, Alipay, WeChat.

😊 Merch items coming soon 👉

Locker / Deposit

.Personal belonging 



Please do not take any bag into the venue.

Safety Rules

👿 It is prohibited to bring food and pre-purchased drinks into the Zepp Lobby.

👿 Bottled drinks are not allowed into the venue.

👿 Professional cameras, cameras, mobile phone photography and photography are prohibited in the venue.(Artist requirements)

👿 This show lasts about four hours. Bringing personal bags or backpacks into the venue will not be allowed. Please leave your bags in lockers in advance before entering the venue. (No exceed A4 size)

👿 Security checks will be executed on site depending on the situation.


.No reissued for loss tickets.

.Do not tear the tickets yourself, and they are not allowed to be entered.

.Do not bring large bags to the second floor, please store them in coin lockers.

.Re-enter: The ticket is always with you. You will get a re-entrance card when you leave the venue temporary. Please show the re-entrance card when you re-entry the venue. If you lost the card, and you will not allowed to entry.

Zepp Locker / Merch Zone Large Luggage Deposite

.Please do not take any large bags into the venue and deposit them in the lockers before show time. 

.Please do not place personal belongings in the venue to avoid loss.

.Large Luggage Only! Please do not deposit money and valuables. After depositing, please do not pick them up or deposit it again.

.Get the luggage, the staff will only recognize the number card of the luggage, but not the person.


.Please allow people with disabilities, elderly and the weak to enter the venue with kindness.

.To use the restroom before entering the venue, furthermore you can keep the position where you stand at the first time.

Concert Rules

.Smoking, eating, professional recording, photography, video recording and cellphone recording and pictures are strictly prohibited in the venue. Please do understand that it is the artists willing.

.Mosh Pit, Stage Diving are prohibited, you will be violating public safety regulations.

.No jumping game and standing behind your seats on second floor, go on stage is prohibited, too.

*Promoter reserved the rights.

2024年1月31日 星期三

2/4(日)【歐洲合唱團 成軍四十周年紀念 時光旅程全球巡迴】進場公告“CELEBRATING 40 YEARS - AN EVENING WITH EUROPE” ANNOUNCEMENT

 演出日期:2024/2/4 (日)

入場時間:6:20pm (若有異動以現場公告為準)


演出地點:Zepp New Taipei(宏匯廣場8樓)






19:00 第一幕表演 Show Part 1

20:10 中場休息 Intermission

20:30 第二幕表演 Show Part 2

21:50 結束 Ending 

活動時程 / ZEPP 8F 排隊位置



     15:00 周邊購物時段
     17:50 整隊
     18:20 進場

     15:00 周邊購物時段
     18:30 進場

 💫周邊  電子支付/現金

14:00~15:00pm 時光旅程先鋒營 VVIP票券優先領證及購物時段

15:00pm 各種票券混合排隊購物,VVIP領證亦同。

😊會再公佈 2/4(日) EUROPE 限量周邊 LIMITED MERCH 敬請期待

時光旅程先鋒營 VVIP 行程

14:00pm~15:00pm 優先領證(依票券序號排序)

15:20pm 整隊(未領證者,憑票從Zepp入口進入領證,無法由此購物)

15:45pm 入場

16:00pm 四首歌曲彩排互動

16:30pm 拍下十人一組珍貴記錄照片(僅四位藝人參與)












.禁止 Mosh Pit (衝撞), Stage Diving (跳水) 等遊戲,您將觸犯公共安全條例。


😈Date: 2024/2/4 (Sun)
📍Doors Open: 6:20pm (Based on announcements in the venue)
⏰Show Time: 7pm
🏢Venue: Zepp New Taipei (Xinzhuang Honhui Plaza 8F, take the ESCALATOR)
🚝Traffic: Taoyuan Airport MRT, Xinzhuang Fuduxin Station A4 same as SinJhuang Sub-city Center, EXIT 2

Time Schedule

19:00 Show Part 1

20:10 Intermission

20:30 Show Part 2

21:50 Ending 

Entrance Schedule / ZEPP 8F Line Up Place

👿Please focus on your ticket type, notice your line up and entrance information.
👿Serial number order, please check with other audiences when you line up in your group.

👀 Time to Roll Zone(VIP), Time to Rock Zone, Time to Stare Zone
   (Serial number order / Standing)
17:50 Line Up
18:20 Doors Open

👀 Seats: Time to Fly Zone, Time to Go Zone(Reserved Seats, Sold Out)
18:30 Line Up & Enter

Merch / Line Pay & digital payment methods & Cash
14:00-15:00 ★Time Capsule Camp VVIP Badge Priority
15:00 All kinds tickets in the same line

😊Will anounce the Merch items 👉

Time Capsule Camp VVIP

14:00pm~15:00pm Get Badges & Merch Time

15:20pm Line Up, entrance: Zepp front doors 

15:45pm Enter

16:00pm Rehearal for 4 songs

16:30pm Group of 10 photos(With 4 artists)


👿VVIP missing the Time Capsule Camp is deemed to give up your own rights.

Temporary Friendly Seats

The first floor of this concert is standing area. A "Temporary Friendly Seats" in  "Time to Roll Zone(VIP)" and "Time to Rock Zone" provide for people who are unwell during the concert. 

No objects or bags can be placed on the seats. Seats are not guaranteed to have a good view. They are added for short breaks. For safety reasons, please do not move the chairs.


.No reissued for loss tickets.

.Do not tear the tickets yourself, and they are not allowed to be entered.

.Do not bring large bags to the second floor, please store them in coin lockers.

."Merch Zone luggage storage" only allows large luggage. Please do not store money and valuables. After depositing, please do not pick them up or store it again.

.Get the luggage, the staff will only recognize the number card of the luggage, but not the person.


.Please allow people with disabilities, elderly and the weak to enter the venue with kindness.

.Please bring a convenience backpack to enter the venue. Please do not place personal belongings in the venue to avoid loss.

.To use the restroom before entering the venue, furthermore you can keep the position where you stand at the first time.

Concert Rules

.Smoking, drinking(pure water is available), eating, professional recording and photography and video recording are strictly prohibited in the venue. Any 3C products are prohibited from using flashlights, and any behavior that affects the rights of other audiences. If there is any, MUST leave the venue and you will not be allowed to enter the performance venue again.

.Mosh Pit, Stage Diving are prohibited, you will be violating public safety regulations.

.No jumping game from the second floor or onto the stage, they are prohibited.

*Promoter reserved the rights.