go 【NIGHTWISH 2023台北演唱會】2023/3/31(五)新檔期及退票相關公告<br>【NIGHTWISH 2023 Live in Taipei】New Tickets & Refund ~ 搖滾帝國 Rock Empire Music

The Rock Promotions, Metal Gate CD & DVD Shop online

曾經在The Wall、饒河街旁的金屬極境挖寶的搖滾客們,堅持的心永遠不滅,新版的網購將逐步更新,大家千萬記得這個屬於搖滾客的天地。

2022年12月5日 星期一

【NIGHTWISH 2023台北演唱會】2023/3/31(五)新檔期及退票相關公告
【NIGHTWISH 2023 Live in Taipei】New Tickets & Refund

【NIGHTWISH 2023台北演唱會】新檔期及退票相關公告

各位觀眾朋友大家好,感謝各位耐心等待與體諒!【NIGHTWISH 2023台北演唱會】原定於今年的演出延期舉辦,經與國外團隊協調後,確定將延至2023/3/31(五)舉辦。無退票的觀眾可憑原門票入場,尚未購票之觀眾則可重新購票,若不克參與,可直接向KKTIX申請退票或保留使用於狂人演藝所舉辦之「金屬搖滾大三元系列」其他場次之演唱會(相同區域並享優先入場之權利)2023/3/1(一)止辦理退票【NIGHTWISH 2023台北演唱會】2023/3/31(五)場次,重新開賣時間為2023/1/14(六) 上午9:00,各區退票將不定時釋出可購買席次。

有任何退票相關問題,歡迎於週一至週五09:30-12:30 / 13:30-18:30致KKTIX 客服中心(02)2752-2836,謝謝!



公告日期 2023/1/13

The Rock Promotions announcement

【NIGHTWISH 2023 Live in Taipei】 Renewal Date and Ticket Refund 

Thanks for waiting! The originally scheduled of【NIGHTWISH 2023 Live in Taipei】in January was postponed, after coordination with foreign management, it was confirmed that it will be postponed to 2023/3/31 (Fri).

The audiences who bought the tickets can enter the venue with the original tickets, and who have not purchased tickets can purchase the tickets. If the audiences can not participate on the renewal date, they can get tickets refund from KKTIX or keep the tickets for the "Metal Rock Triple Yuan Series" concerts (the same area and enjoy priority admission entry) held by The Rock Promotions 2023. Ticket refund will be processed until 2023/3/1 (Monday)

【NIGHTWISH 2023 Live in Taipei】2023/3/31(Fri) show, the tickets release on 2023/1/14(Sat) 9:00AM, The available tickets of each section depends on the tickets refund from time to time.

 Any ticket refund questions, Please call on Monday – Friday 09:30-12:30 / 13:30-18:30, KKTIX service center (02)2752-2836, thanks!

Ticket Refund please click:


預計參與Nightwish 2023台北演唱會的樂迷朋友很抱歉,由於主治醫生的強烈建議,地板姊將她的放射化療時程從二月初更改到一月初,因此整個一月的亞洲巡迴行程勢必得往後延,目前預計延期至春季2023/3/31(五)舉行,已經購票的朋友,可持手上原先的票劵延用至新的演出日期入場,原本權利不會變更,感謝大家的支持。

官方網站連結可參閱 https://www.nightwish.com/

【NIGHTWISH 2023 Live in Taipei】, has to be postponed.
Sorry to the Nightwish fans who are planning to participate in the Nightwish 2023 Taipei concert, Jan. 19, 2023. Due to the strong advice of the Doctor, vocalist Floor changed her radiation and chemotherapy schedule from early February to early January. The Asian tour itinerary must be postponed to March 31, 2023. Fans who have already purchased tickets can use the original tickets to enter the updated show. The original rights of the tickets will not be changed. Rock Empire Music will announce the new date of the show soon. Thank you for all your support.
Nightwish website https://www.nightwish.com/

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